
Statistics and GIS services for ecological research | Peter van Horssen

curriculum vitae

I have a M. Sc. in Physical Geography from Utrecht University, The Netherlands, with a specialisation in landscape ecology and GIS/spatial statistics. My expertise is spatial statistics and population modelling. I have extensive experience with visualisation and modelling of ecological and environmental data. For the last 15 years I worked in multidisciplinary teams on ecological and environmental problems. 

I worked at an ecological consultancy (Bureau Waardenburg) and at the department of Environmental Sciences at the Utrecht University on landscape ecological and hydrological modelling. So far I co-authored approx. 50 reports (in Dutch), approx. 10 scientific articles (in English)  and ca 10 papers in Dutch.  

From september 2014 until august 2015 I held a teaching job  GEO-ICT at the applied university HAS Den Bosch.

   Previous work:

At bureau Waardenburg I coordinated the planning and organisation of the GIS, statistical modelling work. This work ranged from the creation of maps and illustrations for reports to complex modelling tasks related to Environmental Impact Assessment Studies.  Most of the work was conducted in teams in cooperation with the bird ecology department. I assisted as a technical consultant on Impact Assessment Studies and related Natura 2000 assessments, on the implementation of Marine IBA's in the Netherlands and Portugal and with analysis of data from monitoring schemes.

important projects: 

  • Participated in international project to determine Marine IBA's in Portuguese  Waters (SPEA) as a consultant on spatial statistics.
  • Participating in Purple Heron Project for the Dutch Birdlife Partner Vogelbescherming  (Purple HeronVogelbescherming) Management of spatial data, assisting with the actual capture of Purple Herons in the field , design and creation of web content and design and creatioin of illustrations  for scientific publications.
  • Assistance on several project related to Black Terns in the Netherlands (population modelling, collecting field data on population parameters, creation of distribution maps)
  • Consultant for  SOVON (Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology) to develop a method for the spatial prediction of maps of relative breeding bird densities  for the Dutch Breeding Bird Atlas (2002
I attended several statistics courses given by Highland Statistics:
  •     Data Exploration, Regression, GLM & GAM with introduction to R, Highland Statistics.
  •     Zero Inflated Models, GLMM & MCMC, Highland Statistics.
  •     Introduction to linear mixed effects models and GLMM with R, Highland Statistics.
  •     Modelling the distribution of species and communities accounting for detection using R and BUGS/JAGS  (Gurutzeta Guillera Arroita, José Lahoz-Monfort (University of     Melbourne) & Marc Kéry (Swiss Ornithological Institute)

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